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Goodbye, maybe (Series 2) 也許,再見 (系列二 ) (2017)

Each Image should come from our memory.

There are people that we have never met and scenery that we have never seen

before. But it comes into our life as if they are deja vu. The snapshots repeatedly

appear in reality,but we don’t remember when we seen it in the beginning.

Perhaps this piece of memory belonged to me.

Once upon a time,but i have forget track of its existence.

每一個特殊的情境都應當來自於記憶. 在我們內心深處很多人、事和景物不


這一切宛如生活中的某個片段重現了. 只是不知道首次發生在何時. 也許這

段如幻似真的記憶曾經屬於我, 只是我並不知道,只是我遺忘了.

Goodbye, maybe (Series 2)|也許,再見 (系列二).jp

Artwork Name : Goodbye, maybe (Series 2) 也許,再見(系列二) 

Artwork Medium : Oil on canvas 油畫布本

Artwork size : 61 x 46 cm

Artwork Year : 2017

Meet again Sketch   .jpg

Artwork Name :Goodbye, maybe sketch (Series 2) 也許,再見草圖(系列二) 

Artwork Medium : Charcoal & pencil on paper 碳枝 , 鉛筆紙本

Artwork size : 25 x 19 cm

Artwork Year : 2017

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